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Gay btm, rough, extreme. If you post Nazi links/pictures I will most likely delete you as a follower. The same will happen if you have not any post on you blog as I think you are just spying. ----------------------------- Everything in this blog is fantasy and dark fiction none of this is real or should be viewed that way, this are all just my personal dark fantasies that in no way reflect my real life views. I don’t feel like I should have to remind anyone about this but rape and abuse and all the other things depicted in my blog are awful and evil and I would never wish them on anyone. I am just fiction to explore these dark fantasies in a way that doesn’t effect anyone or hurt anyone in anyway. Don’t take this blog to seriously, it’s all just fantasy and kinks, I in no way condone any of the things I post on my blog in real life. If you and another consenting adult want to act out these fantasies go ahead, but this is all just fiction and fantasy, that’s all. Anything else would be evil and disgusting and wrong.

Me no 2 from left at the cop party
